Author, editor, and sometime illustrator, the twenty-six-year-old works days as a library assistant. His style of writing defies easy labeling, despite attempts to often categorize it as Bizarre Fiction. It is, I've often said during our short acquaintance, more "Kelsoian" than anything else, because Kelso is a true original.
When did you know you wanted to be a writer -- was there a Eureka! moment where inspiration filled you up, and there would never be
anything else so clear or passionate?
I can remember when
I was in sixth year at secondary school we had to write one creative piece to
go along with our final portfolio. At this point in my life I’d seen myself as
something of an artist (and a tortured one at that). Drawing and painting were
what I felt passionate about, art was my sanctuary away from all the sums and maps,
the name-calling students and the brow beating teachers. If I was ever going to enter into an adult
occupation, in my mind, it would surely be art related. Or so I thought. But, as
it happens, after I sat down and wrote the story for my folio I realized I actually
enjoyed this process much more than sitting down with pens and pencils, it seemed
much more cerebral and spiritually nourishing. The teacher gave us free reign
too, so I included loads of swear words and gratuitous depictions of violence
(I remember being completely ecstatic that I was being encouraged to
write what I wanted, to say what I wanted to say without censorship! It was
tremendously liberating). I was just flexing my muscles and enjoying the
freedom to roam, the story wasn’t publishable but it served as a sort of acid
test. In the end I got a good grade and my teacher offered some heartening
feedback, I haven’t looked back since. Becoming a writer has been my dream, nay
-- it’s been my fantasy for over almost a decade now. I can’t believe that I’m allowed to
write daft stories and have publishers put them out. It’s surreal actually, but I’m grateful.
I know we’re not
supposed to be interested in or even ask where a writer’s ideas originate (which I
think is silly -- I LOVE knowing the back-story).
Your imagination is so wonderfully rich and unapologetic, so I hope you
won’t mind sharing with us some insight into the Slave Cities and other places
you’ve taken readers.
Not at all. My idea
for the Slave State came from working as a shelf-stacker in a bargain shop in
Kilmarnock after I dropped out of university. I’d been dumped shortly before
dropping out and was desperately unhappy doing such unfulfilling and thankless
work. So I made a universe born of all that frustration and misery (or my
white, middleclass spoiled teenager problem at least). In the Slave zone, human
beings are sentenced to work in mining enclaves digging up, what are
essentially, surplus minerals for an omnipresent alien autocracy. It was really
just another creative outlet for me. If I hadn’t created the Slave State I
would have probably been crushed by my own loathing and self-pity. It’s been
rather cathartic in a way. I think, now, I’m quite a positive person who is
happy in his life. It’s funny, I often write about really depressing things and
plumb the depths of human oppression/servility, but focusing all that negative
energy out on the books keeps me kind and giving in real life. The different
states themselves are modelled on various existing blueprints. Wire City is
central Glasgow with its bustling harshness and alienating grandeur. Shell
County is based on the naked ergs and dunes of the Deep South in America, etc.
What’s your
process -- do you compose longhand, on the computer, at work among the stacks,
etc. Is there coffee or tea
present? Music? Do you channel the Beat Writers or Splatter
punks? Please offer a view into the
Chris Kelso creative experience.
That’s a good
question. I’d love to say I have some whacky method of ‘getting in the zone’,
but I’m really rather boring in my approach to writing. I write every day, at
my desk, on my computer. I write 2000 words every day. Often I work from notes (these are typically
just wee scribbles with metaphors or descriptions I like on post-its). I tend
not to work with a framework or from detailed plans, I just write, in total
silence, with a cup of Tetley’s -- usually with barely a kernel of an idea in
my head. I suppose I have taken something from the Beat writers in that respect.
I don’t believe in editing or censoring my unadulterated thoughts, they’re
frequently the most interesting ones I have!
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(Kelso, left, with fellow Scottish authors Hal Duncan and Neil Williamson) |
Please tell us about forthcoming new releases.
Well, there’s a lot
to cover here. First up is ‘The Dissolving Zinc Theatre’ coming out through
Villipede. It’s my post-modern epic (in size, not necessarily in splendor). Then
I have the Slave State anthology coming out through Omnium Gatherum Press, and its
quickly turning into my most exciting and rewarding endeavor to date. After
that there’s my third Bizarro Pulp Press book ‘Rattled by the Rush’ still to
come next Fall. In between those I have a chapbook called ‘The Folger
Variation’ and the third issue of the anti-New Yorker journal The Imperial Youth Review. Busy, busy, busy!
Your readers would
be surprised to know that you…
…are a soft-spoken
vegetarian, feminist who believes in the goodness of people.
I’m so incredibly
glad you enjoyed The Black Dog, thank you. Glasgow is a funny sort of city, it
has a menace to it, like all the layers of its big bad history weigh down on
its shoulders somehow. It’s basically still a city divided by racial and
religious tension. You get the feeling the city WANTS to hurt you too. It can
be quite inhospitable, even to its own denizen. I’m actually from Kilmarnock,
which is a small town just outside of Glasgow, but it certainly added a layer
of familiarity to the sense of oppression prevalent in my fiction. You see,
Kilmarnock is a town drained of its spirit. It is full of antiquated drudges,
philistines and commuting Glaswegians -- don’t get me wrong, I still love
the place! It’s just that the local industry has all but dried up and the town,
as well as its people, is deteriorating before our very eyes. People who grow
up here also tend to stay here for some reason. It has that sticking power
about it, it traps people -- I mean, of course, we’re all autonomous beings in
charge of our own destinies, but there is something…unwholesome here as well…I
defy any writer to walk down Kilmarnock high-street and NOT go home inspired by
its sheer poverty.
What are your plans
for 2015?
Apart from all the books, I’ll be doing my usual -- keeping
the Black Dog at bay, writing, reading, stacking books, and enjoying the company
of all my friends and loved ones. Maybe in between I’ll save up and head for
Sounds fabulous! I will look for his work.